Cycling to reduce stress
April 04 2015 – Rudy Marquez

Humans naturally go through stress, which releases certain hormones in our bodies. When these stress hormone levels remain high for long periods of time, they start to affect our health, i.e. our blood pressure, immune and digestive systems.
Whenever we go through stressful situations, we create ways to cope; shopping sprees, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and some exercise.
Exercising definitely reduces stress, in particular, cycling. Although Yoga, aerobics, spinning & kickboxing are all good stress-relief activities, they do not bring out the Adventure as a bicycle would. Allowing you to escape from the routine.
Biking is proven to reduce anxiety, and is a great cardio exercise pumping your heart rate up and working your legs in just 30 minutes. A research study conducted by the University of Aberdeen in the UK discovered that those who commuted to work not by car, i.e. by bike, felt highly more flexible, stress-free and cost effective than those who commuted by car (STUDY: Transportation Research). Biking to work can not only reduce your stress, it gives you a wonderful start to the day and saves you money on gas while helping out with the environment! What else is better than this stress-reliever?