Start the New Year with a Bang! See How Organization Can Help Change Your Life
January 20 2020 – Rudy Marquez

We've all done it - avoided tidying up that messy desk, thrown paperwork in our drawers instead of proper filing, or skipped a deadline we had scheduled for ourselves. The modern world is busy, after all, and who has time to keep every little thing in place? However, studies have proven time and again that organization benefits you. It's a new year, and if you're looking for less daily stress, it's time to get organized.
What are the benefits?
Keeping your surroundings tidy has multiple health benefits, including reduced stress and better sleep. This helps clear the mind to be more active and productive. People who keep up on household chores have proven to carry significantly less risk for cardiovascular complications over those who aren't as cleanly.
Additionally, creating a routine for your day has advantages. Scheduling your daily routine creates the most efficient use of time, eliminating stress and allowing for more to get done in the day. Activities often pushed aside in busy lives, such as hitting the gym or going grocery shopping, can have an allocated time. There is a direct link between organized days, healthier eating, and better physical condition. Doing more in your day also expends more energy, which creates more restful sleep.
How do you start?
For those looking to organize their lives, the key is simple self-discipline. Holding yourself to the standards you set is the only way to see results. Create a daily routine - write down a schedule of when you will wake up, when you go to work, and what activities you'll do later in the day. The schedule doesn't have to be perfect at first, and you can refine it as needed. The most important thing is to carry it out. Soon the pattern will become natural, and every day will be smoother and more productive.
For an organized home, the Marie Kondo method of cleaning has surged in popularity. Decluttering while showing respect to your belongings is essential. Do you really need all those clothes balled up in your closet? Would they be put to better use in a different home, where they would be properly hung and worn? Try not to be sentimental - if you don't use it, be grateful for how it helped you and find a new home for it. Once you've eliminated the unnecessary things around the house, keeping tidy will be a breeze.
Organization truly benefits every aspect of your life. If you need a change, consider tidying up your home and routine - the results will come rolling in.